Raspberry Pi & NodeJS
This week Genevieve was fortunate enough to attend @sebly #st4iJS “ST4i – Stuff that talks to the Interwebs”, as Seb likes to call it, workshop in Brighton. Two days of fun working with the Pi Zero, LEDs, Displays and NodeJS. Pi Zeros are like gold dust and the workshop full was of them!
The two-day workshop involved using our lovely Pi Zero with JavaScript and node.js. In order to make hardware prototypes with a variety of sensors, lights and displays. And the best part – each mini project was internet connected, transferring data in real-time to and from the world wide web. The workshop used a headless connection. Definitely, a fun-filled two days working with js in the command line. If you haven’t used the terminal before then this is an online resource to help you with the basics. Commandline Crash Course
Scrolling text with #PiZero running off portable battery. :) @seb_ly pic.twitter.com/0WoMHg1p0b
— G Smith-Nunes (@pegleggen) March 17, 2016