#CAScade Project

The CAScade project [Computing at School]is an online learning space for Computer Science educators to improve their skills, knowledge and understanding of the subject area.  The learning space will have videos and self guided video tutorials as well as live…

Next up!

Next Up Westminster Briefing. The other Thursday I was invited to speak bout the content of the curriculum with a focus on Key stage 2. It might seem odd to ask an A level teacher to discuss what is happening…

Anjin 1600

#anjin1600 An 8 hour game jam 11-7pm Saturday 23rd February at the lighthouse in Brighton. Using artist, David Blandy‘s work. [vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/40600752 w=600&h=375] ANJIN 1600: Episode 1 from David Blandy on Vimeo. During the day we will be creating various…