Genuino 101 or is it Arduino 101

All onboard the STEAM train – catch the Genuino Express All onboard refers to the onboard sensors built into the Curie Module. The new board from Intel and Arduino known outside of the USA as Genuino 101. It is the…

[data]storm in pictures

A selection of images from our live performance during the Brighton Digital Festival 2015 A recording of the performance is available at our sister site datadrivendance

[data]Storm live performance #BDF15

What an exciting start to the Brighton Digital Festival #BDF15 Mini Maker Faire, Spark Festival and many many more events. We are only 4 days away from the live performance on Sunday at the Old Market Theatre It has been…

[data]Storm update

What a fun day. While preparing for our RI workshops next week we have been receiving the props for the 3D projections. A little bit too excited; who knew polystyrene could be so fun! They are enormous but full of…

Brighton Digital Festival 2015

If you haven’t been to this amazing month long festival then you have been missing a treat. Brighton Digital Festival is a celebration of digital culture that takes place across Brighton and Hove every September. 2015 marks the fifth consecutive…

Google Education Roadshow UK – last stop

What a whirl wind tour of the UK to some amazing schools and colleges. I have had an amazing time sharing resources, ideas and computing content with all of the educators on the Tour. Each educational venue has had very…

On the road with Google for Education 2015

The Google for Education roadshow is a unique series of events giving a behind-the-scenes look at how schools around the country are transforming their approach to teaching and learning. The classroom environment in a Dome structure showing various classroom areas…

Debugging with pointeshoes

Not that easy.. One of the more difficult things to do for [arra]stre and [data]Storm are the wearables.  As the dancers are in ballet costumes and pointeshoes they come with the own little challenges.  Each of the costumes for [arra]stre…